Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Raw Strawberry Limeade Cheesecake

Sometimes I think that I'm awesome and superhuman and can make 2 cheesecakes in one night. At 10 pm. But whatevs! It was worth it! Trust was 100% worth it. 

I made my mom a Mascarpone Cheesecake for Mother's Day, and this raw vegan one for myself. Both of which were absolutely phenomenal!
This post is also slightly picture heavy, but that's okay, right?

*P.S. sorry for the poor picture quality and lighting. Like I said, I got the inspo for this at 10 pm. 

Raw Strawberry Limeade Cheesecake
• 1 C. pitted dates (soaked in warm water for 10 minutes then drained)
• 1 C. raw walnuts or almonds

• 1.5 C. raw cashews, soaked in water 4-6 hours then drained
• 1/3 C. coconut oil, melted
• 1/2 C. + 2 Tbs. full fat coconut milk 
• 1/2 C. agave nectar or maple syrup (or honey if not vegan)
• 1/4 C. key lime juice
• 2 tsp. key lime zest
• 6 strawberries
*scroll through pictures for directions
• Blend cashews, coconut oil, coconut milk, and liquid sweetener. Separate this mixture into two equal parts. 
• Blend strawberries until smooth liquid forms, set aside.
• Blend one half of the cashew mixture with strawberry puree, until both ingredients are thoroughly mixed together.
• Pour into prepared crust and place in the freezer to set.
• Blend the remaining cashew mixture with the lime juice and lime zest. 
• Pour into crust on top of the strawberry layer. Place in the freezer or fridge to set. 
*scroll through pictures for a step-by-step guide. 

Crust ingredients

Filling ingredients

Add almonds to a blender or food processor and blend. 

Blended almonds should looks similar to this. Once blended, remove and set aside.

Add soaked dates and blend.

Add blended almonds to the blended dates and combine the two ingredients.

Continue blending until crust is formed.

Spray a springform pan (or pan of choice) with non-stick spray and press in crust. Set aside.

Add soaked cashews to blender.

Add liquid sweetener to blender.

Add coconut milk to blender.

Blend until smooth! Divide mixture in half. 

Blend strawberries into a puree.

Add strawberry puree to 1 portion of divided mixture.


Pour into prepared crust.

Place in freezer to quick set the cheesecake before adding the next layer (this helps define the two separate layers).

Place remaining cashew batter into the blender.

Add lime juice and zest, and blend.

Pour on top of strawberry layer and place in the fridge or freezer to set until ready to serve. I let mine sit overnight.



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